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The Best Thing I Could Do For My Mom After She’s Been Dead For More Than 10 Years.
Obedience is always better than sacrifice, right? Being a person of your word is the right thing to do, right? But what if obedience and being a person of your word is destroying your chances of becoming the person you’ve always dreamed of being?
What if obedience costs you more than sacrifice? What if your obedience, your adherence, your allegiance to being a person of your word is the very stronghold that’s keeping you from moving forward?
Case In Point.
I came across my journal from 2010 this morning and the words on the first page leaped off the paper and pierced my soul. They read, “The best thing I could do for Mom is to be who she told me I would be.”
Mom died on May 14, 2010. She was just 69 years old. I wrote the journal entry I’m referencing in this post after seeing her in the hospital for the last time before she died.
“My mom was, is, and will always be, my spiritual influence,” I passionately penned.
There it is again! Did you hear it?
That allegiance, that obedience, that yearning to please, to belong, to be honorable and honored for such nobility; nobility for following blindly what my Mom told me that I was born to do with my life.