Member-only story
Take A Stand. Speak Your Mind. And Then Shut up!
STOP cowering in the face of adversity! Allow the boldness that’s in your gut to come out your mouth. Take a stand. Speak your mind, and then shut up!
When you make up your mind to take a stand or speak your mind, do what you gotta do and then shut up.
Refuse to run the scenarios in your head. Refuse to negotiate with yourself over what you think you should have said or could have said. Running different scenarios in your head after doing what was in your gut to do is exhausting.
Stop cowering in the face of adversity.
I call it negotiating with yourself. It’s all made up. None of it matters because what’s said is said. What’s done is done. And whatever you do, leave well enough alone!
Don’t allow yourself to pressure you into going back and trying to “fix” something you think you said or done wrong. Let the chips fall where they may.
Allow the boldness that’s in your gut to come out your mouth.
Even if you erupted, there was a reason for it. Let that “energy” that came out at that moment do its work. Even if you feel afterward it could have come…