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Own Your Oddity. It’s The Only Way You Can Turn It Into A Commodity
A case for why the part of yourself you hate could just be the part that could make you a fortune.
Lots of talk going around about “owning it.” Own your self. Own your story. Own your brand. But the most important thing for you to own is your oddity.
You know, your quark. That part of yourself that embarrassed you as a kid growing up, or that still embarrasses you as an adult who is still trying to be perfect to make sure everyone likes you.
Your oddity is the part of you that’s slips out when no one is looking. (At least you think they’re not.) It’s that thing about you that rubs other people the wrong way.
Own That
Closer examination reveals your oddity is also that intuitive, knee-jerk-reaction part of you that bursts onto the scene uninhibited only to be later reprimanded by your inner critic.
Your oddity is that part of you that makes you uniquely you. Own that, and it won’t matter what else you buy or try and put on to get people to notice you, people will begin to recognize you for you! They will be drawn to you. (The ones who are supposed to be drawn to you, that is).
Every time you appear to be “flying off the handle” again, “overreacting” again, “taking it personal again,” — you know, that behavior, attitude, repetitive knee-jerk reaction that keeps coming out of you and you keep stuffing it back down? Own that! That’s your oddity. It’s not wrong! It’s you! You don’t have to die to it, you have to Own it!
Own your oddity. It’s the only way you can turn it into a commodity.