How To Be Authentically You While Still Feeling Like An Imposter

Jeff Crume
3 min readDec 12, 2022

A good portion of the imposter syndrome comes from not seeing ourselves outwardly as we see ourselves inwardly. Outwardly we struggle with self worth, but inwardly we see ourselves as more than a conqueror.

Outwardly, stock images and borrowed phrases loosely hold together our public profile, published in hopes that we are somewhat presentable — respectable if you please, in the eyes of opportunity should it pass by.

All the while secretly praying that it doesn’t, because we’re afraid opportunity might not be able to overlook our present moment appearance.

But just because I look like this right now, doesn’t mean this is who I am. Tarnish is an indicator of a victor in the making. Don’t be fooled. I clean up pretty good.

The space, this nebulous, indescribable, space between what we see with our inside eye and what we see with our outside eye is where our imposter lurks.

He or she is really confused. They know they are a powerful positive person but they struggle daily with fear, doubt and depression.

They know they are wealthy and successful but at the moment they don’t have two pennies to rub together. They know they are an influencer and a world changer but they can’t even seem to get a job.



Jeff Crume

Certified Grief & Crisis Counselor, Transformational Speaker, & Intuitive Life Coach. Sharing hope, spreading kindness, and empowering possibility.